Tutorial: Creating Push Notifications for Portal Messages 01-17-24

MessengerPro Cerbo Portal App


Last Update 3 месяца назад

In this video, I walk you through the process of creating push notifications for portal messages in our application. By default, our system sends an email to the patient, but we believe that push notifications to the iOS and Android app are a stronger form of notification. I demonstrate how to send a portal message to a patient and show you how the push notification appears on the app. If you have any questions or need clarification, please reach out.

00:00 Introduction

00:24 Sending a Portal Message

01:20 Creating the Automation

01:56 Setting the Title and Body

02:22 Activating the Push Notification


0:01 Hello this is Kevin with FXMedSupport and today I want to do a tutorial on how to create a push notification to the application when you send a portal message.

0:11 Now by default, Serbo automatically sends an email to that patient. And that's good and everything but we think a push notification to the iOS and Android application is a stronger form of a notification I think the best way to do that is send a portal message to your patient so you click in and send

0:32 a portal message like normal I've already done that and we can go ahead and see that when I open up our application and go to the CERBO portal automator system and then go to CERBO community.

0:47 CERBO community shows us where we have all of our events. Im also on another tab real quickly going to open up our automator and go to the visual automator but what you can see right here and Ive Ive did this already just redoing it but you can see that two hours ago I sent a portal message to the patient

1:07 so we we want to do that just so we can see the event well now come into our automator system and Ill go ahead and recreate the the automation and what that is is going to be a visual automation we're going to create the automation this is from a servo event apologize for that my internet being just

1:37 a little bit slow and it's going to be off of doctor portal doctor response created going to add the trigger because there's no filter and we're going to go to the next option and its going to be a sending option push notification and maybe the title of the message is you have a message and then maybe

2:02 the body is open app to read your s-e-c secure message add action lets give this a good title ppq to patient send push Notif, notif.

2:25 Notification to ios and android app click here lets turn it on and hit save changes and if we go in right here we can see that we have an activated when we send a portal message to a patient send a push notification to the ios and android app this is the one that I made earlier uhm so if you have any

2:58 questions or need any uhm clarification please reach out I think the next step we probably want to do is create a group and we would do push notification group and we'll go ahead and move the push notification group in there alright this is Kevin with FXMedSupport and today we've done the walkthrough

3:27 tutorial on how to set up the push notification to the android and ios servo patient portal application by FXMedSupport when you send a portal message to the patient

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