Fluid Pay 02-20-24

Third-Party Credit Card Integrations


Last Update 3 months ago

Required Setup Needs

Setting Up Fluid Pay,

Log in to your Fluid Pay account and navigate to "Manage API Keys." Create two API keys - one public and the other private.

  • To integrate webhooks, go to "Manage" on the sidebar and select "Webhooks." Create a new webhook, choose the type as "Transactions," and enable all options.
  • Divide the URL into three parts:
  • Assemble the full URL: http://app-staging.fxmedsupport.com/fluidpay/webhook/57.
  • After creating the webhook, the system will provide you with a Signature Key.

These settings should be sufficient for integrating Fluid Pay on the Fluid Pay Portal. Make sure to use the correct formatting and double-check the URL components 

FxMedSupport - Cerbo Settings 

Credentials Tab Setup:

Active Checkbox:

Use this checkbox to toggle Fluid Pay integration on and off.


Choose between "Sandbox" and "Production."

Sandbox: Use for testing purposes.

Production: Select for actual production data.


Ensure that the Public Key, Secret Key, and Signature Key match the selected environment.

Fluid Pay Public Key: Enter the Public Key corresponding to the chosen environment.

Fluid Pay Secret Key: Provide the Private Key associated with the selected environment.

Fluid Pay Signature Key: Add the Webhook Signature Key.

These credentials are crucial for setting up Fluid Pay integration. Toggle the "Active" checkbox based on your integration needs and select the appropriate environment. Ensure that the provided keys are relevant to the chosen environment type.

In this video, I provide a tutorial overview of the main tabs in our third-party credit card integrations feature. I explain how to navigate through the ad subscription tab, subscription list tab, bulk invite patient list, invoice invitation, refund feature, charge list, and patient list. I also demonstrate how to update credit card information and manage patient accounts. No action is requested from viewers in this video.

00:00 Welcome and Overview

00:23 Ad Subscription Tab

01:11 Subscription List Tab

02:03 Bulk Invite Patient List

03:02 Invoice Invitation

05:10 Refund Feature

06:00 Charge List

06:24 Updating Credit Card Information

07:08 Patient Portal and Secure Message System

08:06 Authorized.net Connection

10:01 Credentials Tab

11:29 Patient Card

12:21 Patient Credit Card System

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